FREE CALL GIVEAWAY!! It's that time of year and we'd love to post pictures showing off your successful hunts with your Sinclair Call in the shot. We're giving away one FREE Call & Striker for one picture posted in March, April, and May. The winners will be posted on the website and Facebook. Good luck this season, I hope everyone gets a limb hanger! -John
Please send us your photo with your name, email address, city and state of trophy and we'll post them on our website. You can upload your photos to our Facebook page <<click here ...or email them to us at [email protected] <<click here. Good luck!
Please send us your photo with your name, email address, city and state of trophy and we'll post them on our website. You can upload your photos to our Facebook page <<click here ...or email them to us at [email protected] <<click here. Good luck!
Bow-Killed Rio
Sunday morning I set up between two roosts, and from the time they pitched down I was in a turkey sandwich! After having several jakes commit to the 3.5" cocobolo titanium and 3.25" mesquite titanium I finally had a gobbler that couldn't stand it anymore. He ran 80+ yards while in full strut into the flock of Dave Smith's to fight the three jakes that were strutting and drumming. One well placed 7 yard shot put this 10.5" tom down! Thanks John for superb craftsmanship on the calls you make! - Dustin Masters |