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- Persimmon Striker
Persimmon Striker
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1 Persimmon striker
Common Name(s):Persimmon, White Ebony
Scientific Name: Diospyros virginiana
Distribution: Eastern United States
Tree Size: 60-80 ft (18-24 m) tall, 1-2 ft (.3-.6 m) trunk diameter
Average Dried Weight: 52 lbs/ft3 (835 kg/m3)
Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .74, .83
Janka Hardness: 2,300 lbf(10,230 N)
Comments: Persimmon trees are known much more commonly for their fruit, and not their wood. Persimmon is technically related to true ebonies (Diospyros genus),and is therefore sometimes referred to as “white ebony.”
Persimmon wood is heavy, hard, and strong for a temperate species. It has excellent shock and wear resistance, but has a very high shrinkage rate, and may experience significant movement in service.
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